Tuesday, October 26, 2010

You Can Come Home NOW

For the past few weeks I've been reading a really great book entitled, "The Youth Worker's Guide to Helping Teenagers in Crisis.  I found this story in the book, and it really inspired me to write this....

Maybe, you've heard the story before about a soldier returning home from combat, that called his family to see if he could bring a friend home for an extended visit.  At first the family's response was welcoming, until he provided more details. 

The conversation goes like this...."My friend was hit by a grenade that blew off one of his arms." Although hesitant the solider's mom still encouraged him to bring his buddy home.  "You should know also that he lost one of his legs in the attack." there was a long pause on the line but they still encouraged him to bring his friend home.  "I think you should also know he's pretty disfigured because shrapnel tore up the left side of his face."

"Well you know," his mom replied, "maybe it really would be better if you just came alone for a while, and then when things stabilize, we can talk about your friend coming to visit for a bit." His mom heard a click on the other end of the line. 

A few weeks later the soldier's family received notification that their son's body had been found, the victim of an apparent suicide. Confused and wanting to be certain it was really their son, the soldier's father asked how positive identification was determined.  The officer said, since the boy had no ID, they used dental records. "Why," replied the father, "couldn't you have just used a photo from his file?"

The officer's response was devastating. "Unfortunately sir, your son sustained sever injuries in combat--he lost his right arm, took shrapnel in the face, and lost his left leg.  His face was so disfigured that a photo would have been very little help."

As you can see, the soldier wasn't asking if he could bring a friend home. He wanted to know how he would be received when he came home....

To be honest there are a lot of soldiers out there that are very hurt...hurt by some many things that they have experienced in day-to-day combat.  Combat that has left limping, yes you may look good on the outside, but inside you have been devastated and hurt.  But praise be to the Most High God, because He stands with arms wide open, I know you can hear Him say, Come unto me, all ye that  heavy ladened and burdened." The Message Bible puts it like this....“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

I love it....God wants you...Desperately wants to give you a fresh start, and a new walk again. Rest from all your worries and heartaches.  So here's how it works....

1. Come right now...don't wait until you feel better to come, come to Jesus and then you will feel better.  Some people wait until they are good enough to come to Jesus, if that was the case none would be able to make it. 

2. Recognize, that you are sinner, and repent....

3. Focus on the cross...just dwell on it, think on it, look at it, read about it....

4. Invite Christ into your life. 

Follow these steps EVERYDAY...and believe me, you'll start seeing a difference....

Be Made NEW!!!

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