Friday, October 15, 2010

On Purpose for a Purpose

On Purpose and For A Purpose
You know what, you really are all right.  Psalm 139:14 says, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.”  You have come such a mighty long way, you ought to give yourself a standing ovation.   God has been doing a great thing for you, and through you.  As Dr. Cleveland would say, God took nothing, and made it into something.  Think about it, at one point you really were nothing, but then in a moment a cell from your daddy, and a cell from your mommy came together and bam you began to grow in your mothers womb.  Check this out, you started out smaller than a grain a salt, and for nine months you were growing inside of there.  At one point during your growth, you began to develop eyes, and inside of that womb, a perfect incision was made, and your eyes were opened.  On average you produce 200,000,000,000 red cells per day, 10,000,000,000 white cells per day, and 400,000,000,000 platelets per day.  You know what check that….You ought to stand up and give God a standing ovation, because He’s worthy of the praise.
I want you to know, that you are not a mistake, you are not an accident, but you were created on purpose and for a purpose.  Sometimes we tend to lose track, and forget about where we were, and we keep focusing on where we are.  So whenever that happens we tend to lose focus of where we are going. Nine times out of ten we tend to hate where we are in our lives, which in turn makes us raise the white flag and throw in the towel, but I want to tell you that the same God that formed you in your mothers womb, is still forming you today.  I love the song that says, “Don’t give Up on God, because He won’t Give Up on You.”
Okay that sounds nice and all, but how do I know God is with me? How do I know God is still forming me and shaping me? How do I know that God still hears me? When will my tears stop, or this pain go away? How do I know God hasn’t forgotten me, because truth be told that’s how I feel right now.
It’s easy, every time you wake up, every time you take a breath, every time you walk in and out of your house, God is covering you, God is loving you, and He’s doing a new thing for you…..

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