Saturday, February 26, 2011

Don't Walk Away

There are many contributing factors to the emaciation of this generation. Television, radio, print, and socio-economic factors are just to name a few of the things that have supported the notion or idea that mediocrity is okay.

The one factor I want to deal with is the absence of the Black Church in society.  Inspired by todays sermon that was so eloquently given by Elder Alvin Kibble, he said something that totally messed up.  In his discourse he mentioned that at times the Black Church has not helped, but hurt the advancement of African-Americans. What once stood as a pillar in every community that people would run to, now has become the very place that people run from...

What has happened? It's quite evident that the church has not taken the time to deal with people's needs as holy, and has surrendered the struggle to secular institutions and politicians who could care less about the samaritan lying by the roadside, but are more concerned about public opinion.

The church was and is still that place where the answers to life's most perplexing questions.  I find today that the reason why man is so comfortable with sin, and a disregard for life is because we have walked away, not simply from the church, but away from God.  It's been recorded that during the Dark Ages men and women literally walked around in the dark. Bibles were burned, thousands of babies died because of unsanitary conditions. The King and Queen counted brushing their teeth as luxuries....(dats nasty).

And so it is today, the youth are lost or losing it, because they have not grown up with the pleasure of knowing and having a relationship with Christ. Instead they have relationships with Jay-z, Lil Wayne, Kanye West, and Nikki Minaj. They have never met these people, but they hold dear to their hearts...Why, because in some way or the other these artists have made it seem like they are walking in their shoes...

So am I blaming these artists, not necessarily because just like todays youth, they were young at some time as well, and they didn't run to the church, but they looked to those who were on stage at that time.  My prayer is that the church will rise up...that the youth will rise up and take their stand, and not walk away from God, but walk to HIM.  My prayer is that the church will once again claim it's presence of relevance and give answers to life's perplexing questions. So that we don't lose anymore people, that we walk with them instead of peeking through the stained glasses, waiting for them to come back

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is inspiring!